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Too many tomatoes?  It’s a good problem to have.  I’m slow-roasting some, sharing tomato sandwiches with neighbors and friends, and I just found the BEST tomato pie recipe in the August edition of Cooking Light magazine.

Trust me here–I’ve eating a lot of tomato pies over the years. 

Now for slow roasting: 


Heat oven to 250 degrees

Slice cherry tomatoes in half.  Peel and cube larger varieties. 

Cover cookie sheet with foil and cooking spray. 

Place tomatoes cut side up.

Drizzle with olive oil, salt and a pinch of sugar

Cook 2 to 4 hours until tomatoes lose their shape and just begin to brown.bounty_3

Seve tossed with pasta.  Spread on good bread or crackers or freeze in small containers for a bit of summer in winter time.  PRICELESS.

So what’s your favorite way to use homegrown  tomato bounty?  Please share–

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